Paranormal Summer
Book 1 in the Indigo Moon Rising series
By Sherry Guyberson
Bakersburg Tennessee once a sleepy little town is now home to three misfit teens with supernatural gifts. As they learn to develop and trust their abilities, they begin to unravel the dark secrets of the past. They begin to experience what is meant by ‘the veil is thinning.’ More teens like them are coming out of the woodwork. It seems this is little burg, just South of the Smokies is becoming a paranormal hot spot.
The once hidden books of light and of dark weave the teens into a web, a devious plot shrouded in a vengeful obsession that is trying to alter destiny. These forces emerge with unparalleled cunning that catapults the teens into confrontations with dark energies. Can they dispel the evil with help from the spirits that have remained and their new found gifts? Do they have the power within them, the clarity and courage needed to fight the wicked bloodline of Miranda?
What makes them different is the same force that brings them together. Join us as they build a team of initiates with Para-normal gifts to build a new future
A mystical blend of Law of Attraction, Para-Normal and Science infused into one fascinating book.
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