Yoga Basics for Kidz
Whether you work with kids in schools, day care centers, yoga studios, or at home this book is guaranteed to help you find interesting and fun ways to introduce yoga poses and postures to the kids in your life. This book has over a dozen illustrated poses, complete with descriptions written in language even the youngest kids can understand. She even included an FAQ section, glossary, and a couple of really cool tracking sheets in the back for kids to use to see if they’re making progress.
About the Author: Hannah Hoobyar
People who know her consider her to possess a unique energy that draws others in. Her personality is infectious, she can make you smile just by sharing a room with you. Her heart is very giving, and it is that giving nature that drives her to create her website and share yoga with others.
She hopes to create a DVD of some basic yoga that she used when she was young and share that with other young children who are dealing with traumatic issues in their lives. Yoga has changed her life and she is hoping to share that with others.
Get the Book: http://yogaforkidz.com/book-launch/
The Book on Amazon
Author Website URL – www.yogaforkidz.com
Facebook URL – www.facebook.com/yogaforkidz
Twitter ID- @yogaforkidz