The Omission Short Story
by Kathy Golden

A teenage son finds out that his father is a homosexual. This news is so devastating and disturbing to Jared Sanford Brown, the main character, that he moves away from his family with the sole intent never to be associated with them again.
Readers first encounter Jared, at twenty, as he tries to tell his wife, Jean, the manner in which he learned that his father was gay. From there, the story unfolds, using both present action and flashback to reveal Jared’s ongoing determination to go on with the new life he has chosen for himself.
Four years after leaving home, the fact that he and his wife are about to have a child forces him to confront the broken family tie he has willfully refused to rebind. His most troubling questions are: Can he accept a man who is gay as his father? Does he even have to?
In 2012, adoption by same-sex parents is becoming more and more prevalent. Most of these parents are adopting infants who will grow up, fully aware that their parents are gay. Yet, despite this knowledge, it is possible that some of these children, like Jared, may still rebel against having gay parents. After all, children–today, yesterday and tomorrow–are ever rebelling against parents for one reason or another. And there is no reason to believe that finding out one’s parents are gay and exactly what that means won’t be added to the list of “things to rebel against.”
The Omission is purely fictional and based on fictional characters created by the author. It is a story that takes a look at dealing with gay parentage from the perspective of a teenager growing into a young adult and making his own choice, concerning who he will call “his family.”
A Message from the author: Kathy Golden

I’m Kathy Golden, author of this novelette. I studied creative writing at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. At present, I am working on my next novelette, which will be somewhat longer than this one. I also have a novella in progress.
I particularly enjoy listening to audiobooks. My latest listen is the notorious 50 Shades of Grey. I have written a review on this book at
Fifty Shades Grey Review.
I also write and record Christian music. You can listen to my songs at
God Heard It.
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