The Reverent Surrender
by James Finster
Available on Amazon
Meet The Author- James Finster:
"When I first set out to pen my experiences to paper I thought the finished product would be more of a self-helper than a memoir. As I wrote I realized I was entering into a very cathartic journey into my own mind. Having sought no help in my grieving process but that of my closest friends and family, I realized these words were my therapy, that in fact my keyboard became my therapy couch. I ended up with a memoir documenting my father's life lessons and legacy that included humor, tragedy, satire, and the love that can only come from Father to son. I wish I could have helped guide someone that finds, or has found themselves, in my shoes with a concrete guideline to grief, but this is my story, my lessons, my pain, and my rise to what I have now become, a Father. I feel everyone faces death with their own perspective, I only hope the reader can find solace within the ink that spewed forth from my heart and soul..."
Connect with James:
Author Website: http://www.thereverentsurrender.com/
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheReverentSurrender
Twitter https://twitter.com/JamesFinster
Book Order Page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1432797506