Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Perfect Christmas Book: An Elf Named Finley

 Check out this book!  It is perfect timing for Christmas.
“An Elf Named Finley” is an inspiring Christmas story about a boy named Finley who has spent his entire 13 years of life as an orphan.  Traveling out of the city in search of work, he finds a job in a small town of average looking people who strangely enough, call themselves “elves.”  He is offered a scroll of written rules for making toys.  Finley discovers that before he can create toys he must master the use of tools such as belief, love and hope… not hammers and nails like one would expect. 
While enjoying this simple Christmas story about Santa’s elves, your child will discover:
How love overcomes fear, every time.
Why believing is seeing… not the other way around.
How beliefs become truth, with a magic ingredient called action.
And much, much more!
TODAY:  Nearly 100 leaders in the fields of Art, Music, Book Writing, Public Speaking and Business Success are offering Free Gifts to anyone who reserves a copy today!  Check it out Now at http://www.AnElfNamedFinley.com