Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mind Power Coach: Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler


Meet Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

 I am a doctor of psychology and pioneer mind power trainer. I was one of the first to study how the brains of meditators are different, created one of California’s first mind power clinics, and was among the handful of pioneers who first took mind power training to the corporate world. I am also the co-developer of the Self Growth Planet™ and the Quantum Mind multi-media training programs, and have served for years as a personal mind power coach to world-class leaders, performers, entrepreneurs and athletes from around the world. In addition to over 40 years as a professional mentor, I have taught my unique personal power techniques at numerous universities, seminars and corporations. I was invited to consult with both the Pentagon and President Jimmy Carter's Special Presidential Commission on Women in Business.
I have authored 20 books, a novel, and hundreds of published articles. I am also the developer of the "BrainSmart Set-Point"™ system and the the SNAP™ (Substitute Neural Association Programming program), the Quantum Brain Gym™, The Self Growth Planet™, and The Quantum Mind™ training programs.