Monday, September 17, 2012

January Jackson & Friends: The Premiere ~ An Erotic Debut Novel by Zonie Felder


January Jackson & Friends: The Premiere  

An Erotic Debut Novel by Zonie Felder

An Erotic Novel by Zonie Felder Beautiful women can—and will—stoop to ugly acts in the name of love, lust, and power.

 In the face of unspeakable erotic betrayal, no one is safe. Behold how lust and passion can quickly cloud judgment—and how wrong choices will forever change a friendship. These lifelong friends will soon learn that beauty is truly only skin deep as the true ugliness of their souls is revealed by the most horrific of acts and emotions.

As young girls, January, Jasmine, Monica, Charlene, and Terry vowed to be friends forever. As teens, their emerging passions began to test the bonds of their friendship. As adults, lust, deception, and treachery cause their lives to come crashing down. Can their friendship survive the ultimate betrayal? Their passion for life is what connected them as friends, but now this same passion threatens to break them apart.  

When the dust settles, who will be left standing and able to pick up the pieces? Can friendship triumph over betrayal?"


Meet the Author: Zonie Felder

Zonie Felder was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey, and has worked for four years as a resident supervisor at a local halfway house. Never imagining at this point in her life that she would become a published author, Felder is elated to have completed one of her lifelong dreams through the publishing of her first novel. Felder's interest in relationships, the true nature of friendships, and how times passing effects both of them resulted in the writing and publishing of "January Jackson and Friends:The Premiere," the first installment in her exciting erotic series-January Jackson and Friends.

Zonie is a former Catholic school girl and Girl Scout, and is now pursuing a career writing erotic fiction. She enjoys football, Zumba, dancing, and spending time with her family and friends. She live in Jersey City, New Jersey, with her husband and family.

"Dear Reader, This is my debut erotic novel and like January Jackson I'm so excited. January Jackson and her childhood friends Monica, Terry, Charlene, and Jasmine discover how hard it is to keep their promise to maintain their friendships in light of recent happenings. These childhood friends discover that memories are not just the only thing that they share. In the face of unspeakable erotic betrayal, no one is safe. Behold how lust and passion can quickly cloud judgments and how wrong choices will forever change their friendships. See just how ugly these beautiful women become when their secrets are revealed and hidden truths are unsurfaced."
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