Thursday, November 29, 2012

American Magic


American Magic: The Book of Light


Help Support this Magical Project.....

14 year old Simon Warner sets out to rescue his kidnapped father and is violently pulled into the world of monsters and magic.  

AMERICAN MAGIC is a young adult fantasy novel and the first ebook of a planned series. I have been working on the first book for the past two years. I think every writer at some point wants to examine the journey into adulthood, and AMERICAN MAGIC is the end result.

AMERICAN MAGIC gets into the teenage psyche--their hopes, fears, dreams, and most of all, the big questions--identity, finding role models, and learning that their actions affects others. All of this, while still being a great adventure story with a wide cast of fun, complex characters, and set in an exciting, fast-paced world.

 AMERICAN MAGIC will be a series of six books. The subtitle “The Book of Light” refers to the book itself, rather than some mystical object in the story that the heroes must find in order to save the day. This Kickstarter campaign is to help finalize the first book and bring it into the world with the level of polish it deserves.


About the Author: Clay Held

I started writing in third grade, which was just over twenty years ago. I’ve done comics, short stories, poetry, and now I’ve reached into novels. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, where I studied under some of the absolute best teachers a developing writer could have. I like paranormal stuff--have for as long as I can remember--so it only felt natural when I became serious about writing that I gravitated toward paranormal adventures. They’re fun to do (magic? fantastic creatures? IN!), and I end up telling very grounded, very human stories, just set against a supernatural backdrop. It’s really the best of both worlds for me.

 Connect with Clay:
