Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dawn Island - A Young Adult Fantasy Novel

Dawn Island

A Young Adult Fantasy Novel
by Emma-Louise Marriott
"My brain was saying one thing and my heart was saying another. One thing they both agreed on: war would either be the making or breaking of me." Darla Stone is an ordinary seventeen year old who finds that her life is not so nuclear after all when she discovers that she has the power to control the elements. Not only that, but she must become a powerful force in a long-raging war between the Night Worshippers and the Soldiers of the Light. In order to protect her family, she emigrates to Dawn Island where battle, danger and romance awaits. But ruthlessly training to save the human race could end her life.

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Meet the Author: Emma-Louise Marriott

Emma-Louise studies English Literature at City College Plymouth. In her spare time, she can be seen attempting to master her abysmal guitar skills and procrastinating over her next novel. She has a passion for all things Oscar Wilde and is a self-professed book addict.

 Connect with Emma-Louise:
