Monday, November 18, 2013

Detective Marco - Free Copy Today!

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Detective Marco:

Minority's Complication


Free Today (Nov. 18) Only!


Click Here for FREE Copy


 The Detective Fiction book - 'Detective Marco: Minority's Complication' is a fictional suspense thriller, which comes into the genre of crime and detective stories. The story develops through breathtaking events, which are interconnected and ultimately leads to the most exciting climax. The book is craftily written, and the crime thriller enthusiasts will surely enjoy it without even the slightest tinge of boredom. The events are woven in such a manner that the readers will feel the urge to read through the entire book at a single stretch. You can find many interesting characters and occasions, which shows the cleverness on one hand and on the hand the quick-wittedness of this popular author. Reading through Detective Macro will surely be a unique experience for those who always enjoy detective and thriller stories. The story starts with the cold-blooded murder of the celebrity figure Nathan... Was it a robbery? A planned execution? Will the truth be unraveled? The thrill will chill the spines of the readers....     ...