High Heels on the Hamster Wheel:
A Fable for the Modern Woman
Are you a woman who is yearning to get off the “wheel of life” someone else said you are supposed to be on, and instead realize your mission in life and leverage the natural gifts you‘ve been given? If you’re like many women today, you may feel like your life is out of balance and completely underserved in many areas. If this sounds like you, don’t believe you’re trapped—because there is a better way! Click here for information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering! http://highheelsonthehamsterwheel.com/
People Tools: 54 Strategies
for Building Relationships,
Creating Joy, and
Embracing Prosperity
People Tools is a wonderful easy-to-read resource for busy people searching for fast and effective solutions to the challenges in their daily lives. For every book purchased, Alan will donate $10 to SAVE THE CHILDREN & THE AMERICAN RED CROSS. #PeopleToolsBook Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering! http://54peopletools.com/