Tuesday, February 11, 2014



by Eve Rabi

FREE Feb. 11 - 15


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Tarago Jakobus was 6’4”, intelligent, extremely wealthy with a Midas touch. He was also openly racist, politically incorrect and a chauvinistic pig who told offensive jokes. He loved to party and was used to women vying for his attention. So when his eyes fell on Tanin, he expected her to just melt into his bed and be grateful that he even looked her way. To his utter surprise, she was totally unimpressed with his wealth, thought he was an uneducated buffoon and publicly rejected him. Of course he was shocked and humiliated by her response. But no woman had ever turned Tarago down before, and he found her fascinating. He became obsessed with her and decided to win her over his way – destroy all that is precious to her, so that she would have no choice but to need him. If that didn’t work, he’d switch to plan ‘B’ – take away her freedom and throw her butt in jail. And being the absolute bastard that he was, he did.

Obsessed With Me is a modern-day, kick-ass love story.

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