Saturday, April 26, 2014

Searching for Normal - A Memoir

Alison Neuman - Searching for Normal 

Searching for Normal

Searching for Normal: A Memoir Following in the tradition of creative nonfiction, Alison Neuman details her life experience from the onset of a rare and painful illness at the age of three, recounting her personal journey as she comes to terms with an ever-shifting concept of ‘normalcy.’ The disease, dermatomyositis, shaped her life in ways most could never imagine; a carefree childhood quickly morphed into a blur of ongoing hospitalizations, increasingly reduced mobility, and overwhelming fatigue and pain. But, amidst her constant battles with her health, Alison emerges as a champion. Searching for Normal will leave readers awed by Alison’s perseverance and strength of character; her story serves as a reminder that ‘normal’ lies in the eye of the beholder. Alison Neuman lives in Alberta, Canada, where she is a freelance writer and lyricist. Nearing the end of her studies for the Bachelor of Applied Communications Degree program at Grant MacEwan College, she was inspired to complete the first draft of Ice Rose. The pace of secret agent books and movies gave her an unlimited playground for imagination. Music and performing are passions she was able to bring into her writing and build into her characters.
