Saturday, July 19, 2014

Outsmart Your Inbox - Only 99¢



How to Outsmart Your Inbox:

25 Email Tricks for Busy Professionals
From the SaneBox Team

Increase productivity by efficiently managing your inbox!  

Grab this Resource - Only 99¢

 It’s hard to believe when the movie “You’ve Got Mail” came out in 1998, people actually looked forward to opening their inbox. According to a recent McKinsey study, today an average employee spends 13 hours per week reading and replying to emails - a completely reactive activity, which is not part of anyone’s job description unless you're in email marketing or sales.

At SaneBox, we’ve spent the last 4 years helping professionals fall in love with their email again. We’ve done lots of research, talked to thousands of customers and compiled a list of tricks to help you get to Inbox Zero every day.    

With this ebook, we aim to help you:
 • Streamline your email process
• Avoid common, time-consuming mistakes
• Communicate more effectively over email
• Become an Inbox Zero Superhero Follow the steps in this book, and we promise you’ll wish you got more email, just like back in 1998!   ...