Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mashups for Teens

Melissa-Wilson-TeenMashup-beauty-beyonceMASHUPS for TEENS

Choose Your Mashup

What do Sleeping Beauty & 
Beyonce have in common?

What do Princess Grace 
& Princess Kate have in common?


Oh, the marvelous mashup. Enormously vogue in music and more recently, literature, the premise is simple. Take elemental bits and pieces of popular culture and remix them. The result is one part fresh, one part familiar.

Author Melissa G. Wilson has created her own style of the art form with her book series Masters Mashups. She takes two unlikely, yet well-known people and dissects the oddly similar ways their lives have unfolded.  

In this edition of Mashups for Teens, Wilson dishes on Sleeping Beauty and Beyoncè. GET IT NOW!

One is animated, one is real; both overcome adversity and rise to greatness. These iconic beauties have more in common than we imagine and it certainly appears they’re the quintessence of happily ever after. But success didn’t come without controversy, without familiar influences, without heartache and disappointment. Think you already know everything you need about Sleeping Beauty and Beyoncè? Not so fast. Included is an entire chapter of juicy facts that may surprise you. This is the third book in the series of the Masters Mashups series by Melissa G Wilson. She has written numerous books, including a best seller which held a #10 Amazon spot for an entire year.  

From Princess Grace to Princess Kate - This is the fourth book in the Mashup series. I wrote this one because I love princesses and these three princesses (Spoiler Alert! there is a third princess showcased in the book) are all women I admire. I share both the unique commonalities and differences between these three ladies. Just like you will find, I found surprises.

My goal in writing these unique mashups has and will continue to be—to help you get inspired by their lives as I have. Melissa's organization, Networlding, provides a comprehensive service for thought leaders who want to create breakthrough books, self-published or published traditionally. But what she loves to do most is help young adults get better starts in their careers.

To this end she gifts all of her earnings on this series to mentoring young adults others in publishing and book marketing internships. When she is not helping others she is hanging out with her husband, Craig, writing novels.  GET IT NOW!

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