Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being In Oneness –
FREE Book for a Happier Life

suresh purushothaman_beinginone1

Being In Oneness

by Suresh Purushothaman

Free thru August 5th

Get your FREE Copy Now!

Finding Happiness in this muddled world may seem like a daunting task, but this little book Being In Oneness strives to take the notion of the impossible and guide you by the hand to what is undeniably possible within your life. From a moment of clarity to a lifetime of inspiration, each positive affirmation and uplifting quote will soothe your sometimes troubled mind and open your weary heart to infinite possibilities and a wealth of happiness to come. See beyond all that ails you, and embrace what life has to offer. Seek knowledge beyond your current state, and allow joy and gratitude to seep in and fill whatever voids may be in your life. Let go of the past, and follow the path this journey will lead you to. Allow life's stressors and troubles to glide off your shoulders, and welcome tranquility and happiness in their place.     ...