Sunday, September 11, 2011

Author: Jacob Drake

Fantasy, Super Heroes, Science Fiction
Jacob Drake is the author of various Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction and Erotica books, all available on Amazon. His only problem in writing is not having enough time to write to completion all the stories he gets in his head. "If I wrote constantly until the day I died I still would never be able to exhaust the imagination that is the source of these stories.
"I've always loved reading, so somewhere along the line it only seemed natural that I would sit down and start writing the type of stories I like to read. And that's only because I can't always find a book I want to read that encompasses the type of story I want. Sure, there are lots of great authors out there, but they don't always have their next new novel in my hands at the time I want to read it. Certainly there won't ever be another new book by Robert Heinlein or Isaac Asimov, though I wish with all that's in me there were......

1- F.U.L.L. M.O.O.N. W.E.R.E.W.O.L.F
2- Superion (A Coming of Heroes)
