Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dari (The Sword of Freedom)


Dari (The Sword of Freedom) 


by Nadejda Rozanova


Available on Amazon


  "Dari" tells the story of a young woman's quest to avenge her family and her people's tragic fate. After she ventures into the woods to get her family something to eat, Dari could not have imagine returning to find her entire village burned to dust. Dari knows she is the only one who has survived. The soldiers who attacked the village are still there when Dari arrives so she hides. While hiding, she hears that a warlord named Dantest is responsible for the tragic end her family and her people have suffered.   The discovery of who is behind the attack fuels Dari's rage; she wants to avenge her family and people. The only way to get their killers is for her to fight and kill Dantest. However, she needs help. The only one who can help her defeat Dantest is a martial arts master who lives on White Mountain. Dari braces herself for her long journey to find the master; little does she know that the master is already anticipating her arrival. Rina, the master, agrees to help and train Dari for the day she will finally face Dantest. But what Dari does not know is there are other enemies she has to defeat first before she can fight with Dantest and avenge her family and her people. “Dari” might appeal to readers interested in fantastic adventures with element of action.    

Connect with the Author: Nadejda
Twitter account: @nadejda_reiki
Facebook Account: Nadejda Rozanova
