Saturday, December 21, 2013

Caregiver's Guide: Moving Mama


Moving Mama:

Taking Care of Mother 

During her Final Years 

with Alzheimer's

by Anne Hays Egan

Get Your Copy Now

Health, Aging, Elder Care  

Readers and reviewers have called this book something that “at its core, speaks of hope, despite all of the challenges that Alzheimer’s presents.” Reviewers have called it “compelling,” “informational,” and “a real page turner.”

Alzheimer's disease is affecting more and more families, and the impact can be staggering. Most of us need help along the way. And, at holiday time, people caring for an elderly loved one need extra support. This holiday season, think about giving a little help in the form of a book called a "must read for caregivers." This book is Moving Mama: Taking Care of Mother During her Final Years with Alzheimer's. Moving Mama has received rave reviews, and has been called one of the best, most practical resources to come along in a good while. Frank, captivating, sometimes hard-hitting, witty, often wry or downright funny, and always helpful, the stories are compelling. The book includes stories about how the family dealt with finances, wills, finding caregivers, personal care, handling memory loss, moving, Sundowner's and more. And helpful resources are included as well. Moving Mama can be a wonderful aid to people who know who are dealing with the stress of caregiving.  

About the Author: Anne Hays Egan

Anne_Hays_EganAnne Hays Egan brings significant expertise to this book as a health planning consultant . She has worked extensively with community and regional health planning, and has helped organizations and communities develop effective services for families and older adults. Anne is also known as a researcher and writer in the field, and has published widely on topics related to community health, older adults, nonprofit organizations, public policy and nonprofits, and building effective programs and services. She was the publisher of The Digest of Nonprofit Management; contributing author to Social Policy & Aging, Carroll L. Estes, ed.; and is an EzineArticles expert author. Anne lived in shared housing with Maggie Kuhn, the founder of the Gray Panthers, who was one of her models and mentors. She is a retired Presbyterian minister who loves to travel and play violin with chamber groups.

Anne provides information and resources through her website,

Connect with Anne on Twitter and Facebook.
