Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Your Sassy Saved Single Girl's Guide

The Single Christian: 
Your Sassy Saved Single Girl's Guide to  
Sex, Dating & Relationship A series of 
encouragement, life lessons and pure humor. VOL 1

Loria Hubbard - sassy saved 1 It doesn’t feel like it, but it’s been two years that I’ve been working on my book. It’s amazing how God allows things to happen in your life that may influence someone else’s. I never thought I would be the sassy, single, saved woman that I am…at the age that I am! It would take a good looking man to pinch my butt cheeks to help me realize that I’m twenty-nine, not married, yet in the sexual prime of my life. Theoretically I could be somewhere clawing off the clothes of the hottest man that walks by. I always thought that I’d be married by the time I was nineteen…that dream…unrealized…is ten years past due! BUT I recognize that my life is not for me. My life is meant to impact the women that God places in my life. I’ve always loved to encourage people and to motivate them. And I love to talk so that’s a winning combination. I know that people look at me and don’t expect that I’ve experienced so much in my life. Growing up in church and later becoming a PK (pastor’s kid) has painted the picture that I’m perfect…I’m not! ....... I know what I’ve been through and what others in my life have been through will help someone else. As a PK, people have the assumption that my life is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus 24/7-365! Or that I’m a freak under cover. I’m sure you’ve heard people make reference to church girls being the freakiest women, but knowing how to hide it. ............My biggest goal is to encourage you to fall in love with God! That’s the point of everything I say! If you can fall in love with Him first…the husband, big house, nice car, babies and whatever else you desire will fall right into place. Put Him first and you will never go wrong. So girls, tighten up those stilettos straps…it’s going to be bumpy ride!

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