Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What is the True Meaning of Life?

Bill Sego_Universal Logic

Universal Logic:

What is the True Meaning of Life?
by Bill J. Sego

Get Your Copy HERE


 The meaning of life is the biggest, most profound question facing humanity, one we have all pondered at some point in our lives.

 Some believe philosophy and pure thought are enough to make sense of the Universe in which we live. Others believe either religion or science incorporates the singular method of acquiring such knowledge. Combined with logical intuition, this book employs philosophical, scientific, metaphysical, and religious insights to answer life’s most compelling question.

 It endorses an all-inclusive, happy-medium approach to the mysteries of life and the cosmos. Contrary to popular opinion, many scientific and religious views can strive together to form an interpretation of existence that works with most all beliefs and ideologies. A combination thereof may hold the true answer for all.

Universal Logic attempts to answer such questions as, “What exists outside the Universe?” “How did we get here?” “Why am I me and not you?” “What happens to my consciousness when I die?” “Does life exist elsewhere in the cosmos?” “Does time really exist?” and many more.

Some of the topics it explores include cosmology, quantum physics, consciousness, the soul, artificial intelligence, the sixth sense, future technologies, alternate dimensions, ghosts, parallel universes, aliens & UFOs, and time travel.

We all live on this planet in a mutual togetherness. People too often focus on our differences instead of what we all might have in common. Living together peacefully and embracing those differences is the key to interpreting the true meaning of life.


Meet The Author: Bill Sego

Bill SegoBill J. Sego served in the Ohio Army National Guard from 1990 through 1998 where he was a Hawk Missile Systems mechanic. From 1993 through 1997, Bill attended college at Ohio University and, after switching majors, later transferred to Hocking College.

 In addition to majoring in Secondary History Education, Mr. Sego enrolled in a plethora of different philosophy courses, later developing a unique genre that combines elements of idealism, rationalism, panpsychism, transhumanism, and futurism, all culminating in an ontology he calls universal logic. He feels each has something to contribute to the “big picture,” and his book outlines that model in a way the general public is able to comprehend with little effort.

Bill is an established, part-time blogger on where he hopes to do his part in making the world a better place for all of humankind.

Bill Sego was born in Columbus, Ohio in the fall of 1972. He and his wife, Candy, reside in Logan where they operate a small, local business. They are succeeded by 5 children, 2 grandchildren, 3 cats, 2 dogs, and a bunny.    

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