The Law of Attraction Puzzle;
why the pieces don't fit and 8 dynamic real world strategies to fit them into place
by Cary David Richards
FREE Sept. 17th to 21st.
The subtle but powerful universal Law of Attraction is a puzzle to some of us.
For many it is missing a few pieces. Missing pieces or not, The Law of Attraction is at work in our lives every day.
There are those who, being pragmatic and grounded in “reality” refuse to acknowledge that their success could hinge on the existence of an intangible source that enables them to connect with the universal field of possibility.
Others who are more open to new age thought are pretty sure it exists but are not sure how to use the law of attraction. Knowing that simple positive thinking is not enough, they have experienced glimpses of synchronicity and coincidence in their lives but are unsure how to consistently achieve a mind-body-spirit connection that is functional in their daily lives.
Over hyped and saturated with “Guru’s” and pseudo science, The law of attraction is, none the less a subject that almost everyone is curious about. The information in this grounded, real world approach is sure to click some of the missing pieces into place.
We all know that person who appears to have it all figured out. Things just seem to fall into place for her. Far beyond positive thinking, she has that something.
That “it” factor.
People are drawn to her. Somehow she has the ability to attract wealth and peace of mind and to manifest almost anything she wants for herself.
That person, (sometimes without even knowing it) has tapped into ˃˃˃ The Law of Attraction.