Sunday, January 25, 2015

Alabaster Bayou - A Suspense Thriller
by Kerry D Redford


Alabaster Bayou: 

"If death had a face it would be hers"

by Kerry D Redford


Alabaster Bayou is the story of a violet eyed creole vixen named Celestine Clemence and is set in 1940's New Orleans. Celestine is the illegitimate child of state Senator Dylan Vaughn, who is a rich political playboy who uses people to get whatever he wants including Celestine’s Mother Mary Anne. After Mary Anne threatens to expose the Senator for his forbidden double life Dylan Vaughn kills Celestine’s Mother to rid himself of the problem. This sets Celestine off on a revenge seeking path making the Senator target number 1.

After Celestine kills Dylan Vaughn she discovers that she has a passion for it and her purpose in life goes from seeking justice to killing for the satisfying thrill of it all. Celestine goes through emotional ups and downs as she dabbles in the dark arts and finally becomes the full-fledged killer she can no longer deny. This story is filled with an ongoing sense of cat and mouse games with her good side and dark side in a constant tug of war as she tries to hide her dark secrets and forbidden passions. Alabaster Bayou gets up close and personal with an eloquent and very calculated serial killer who sees murder as a necessary art form. However when pieces of Celestine’s art begin to surface from the dark waters of Black Water Bayou and Lake Pontchartrain her whole morbidly twisted secret life threatens to destroy her.