Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No Need To Diet - Just SWAP
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Interview with:

Wissal Merkhi

Author of:

No Need To Diet - Just SWAP


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Is this your first book?
Firstly, thank you for interviewing me. It’s an honor to be featured on Book Tour Radio and yes, Just Swap is my first book, but I am working on another fiction book, which will be coming soon.
Thinswaps Author Tell us about your book? What inspired you to write it?
Just Swap is a book that has food swaps that will save you hundreds of calories daily, which will result in a quick weight loss. So basically you will lose weight without changing your food or dieting. As a nutritionist, I have always been asked this question: “how can I lose weight without going through a strict diet?” or “I love my home country food, but I want to lose weight.” That’s why I came up with this idea: NO NEED TO DIET. Just make some small easy swaps in the same food category.
  Have you always enjoyed writing?
I love writing and reading; it’s my passion. When I travel, I always have three things in my bag: a book, a notebook, and an apple.
  When did you first know that you had a passion for writing?
It was during my secondary school years. In an Arabic class I got the highest mark in writing, and my teacher told me: I have never given that mark to anyone, and I am giving it to you. I wasn’t exactly convinced about my writing skills, but from that day I started writing and never stopped.
  What type of work do you do? Is it related to your writing in some way?
Yes, I am a nutritionist and health adviser. I worked with the biggest health-conscious companies in Dubai, plus I write about healthy living in magazines and make healthy food menus for bakeries and restaurants.
  What do you want your audience to know about you?
I am a simple Moroccan lady. I’m extremely attached to my family; I take their opinion into consideration for every step I make. I am also into charity works, which give me an inner peace. My passion is traveling and visiting new places.
  How did writing this book help you?
The journey of writing this book was extremely wonderful. I met so many people who have health problems due to their weight issues, and helping them to change their eating habits into healthy ones was a great achievement. I felt overwhelmed to get messages or phone calls thanking me for the advice or the meal plan that I gave them.
  Was there someone special in your life that encouraged you to follow your passion?
It has to be Mr. James, the Chief Editor of Spafaery and Everninzs magazines In Dubai. He encouraged me and gave me great confidence in myself. Because of him I can call myself an author.
  What's next? Is there something you're working on now?
Yes, I am working on a short story called “I Love You Shaitana.” It’s based on a real story that happened in Dubai.
  What do you hope readers will "take away" from reading your book?
I can guarantee one thing: that they will lose weight without changing their food habits or following any special diet. It’s simple, practical, and easy to follow. I would never recommend something I didn’t try or that I don’t believe in.
  Who do you think will benefit most from this book? Who are you speaking to?
Everyone who wants to lose weight and lead a healthy life style will benefit from my book. Just Swap contains low-calorie; healthy food swaps for any type of food that you can imagine.
  What advice would you give to other Indie Writers or those who dream of writing a book?
Write about something that you are passionate about, don’t waste time, and go for it: take a pen and start writing now.